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Ankündigungen für dvisvgm

dvisvgm – Convert DVI, EPS, and PDF files to Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG)

Dvisvgm is a command line utility that converts DVI as well as EPS and PDF files to the XML-based Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. It provides full font support including virtual fonts, font maps, and sub-fonts. If necessary, dvisvgm vectorizes ’s bitmap output in order to always create lossless scalable output. The embedded SVG fonts can optionally be replaced with graphics paths so that applications that do not support SVG fonts are enabled to render the graphics properly. Besides many other features, dvisvgm also supports color, em, tpic, papersize, PDF mapfile and PostScript specials. Users will need a working installation including the kpathsea library.

For more detailed information, see the project page.

Version3.1.2 2023-10-12
Copyright2005–2023 Martin Gieseking
BetreuerMartin Gieseking

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